LEE Yeseon

Ph.D. in English Literature.

Dr. Yeseon Lee is a Ph.D. in English Literature and the CEO of Blueage Group, a leading company specializing in brand building. She teaches both English and Korean, combining her expertise in language and branding to deliver high-quality education and consulting services.


Crafting beautiful brands and websites. Contact me for more services.

From beginning ideas to individual integrity, rich identity from the line on the paper to final projects.


Provide our customers with optimized user-friendly experience to increase the efficiency of digital products.

브랜드 빌딩
Understanding the business and their target customers, I’m the bridges to bring the brand closer to their clients.
한국어 교육
Mobile application development is a highlight that businesses are interested in at the moment and in the future.
Help you translate your existing design or concept into CAD or to work with you to develop the ideal design.

Tim Margo Card

Tim Margo is the Head of the School of Interaction Design at QUT and Vice Chair of the Division of Critical Web Base, AAC Crime and Design.


Ethant Studio

Create clarifying strategy, beautiful logo and identity design, engaging websites and ongoing marketing support.


The Coffee Shop

The Coffee Shop needed branding that stood out on competitive store shelves and embodied their mission for people life.


Jonathan Swift

It’s a specially organized area zoned and planned for the purpose of industrial development.

Related Links

Introduce and provide links to related work and projects.

Apr 2019
블루에이지 그룹

블루에이지 그룹의 공식 웹사이트는 브랜드 개발, 경영 컨설팅, AI 기술, 문화 콘텐츠, 글로벌 유통 등 다양한 사업 영역에서 혁신을 주도하는 블루에이지의 비전과 철학을 담고 있다. 블루에이지는 기업과 브랜드가 새로운 가치를 창출할 수 있도록 전략적 컨설팅을 제공하며, 디지털 기술을 접목한 혁신적인 비즈니스 솔루션을 개발한다. 또한, K-컬처, K-푸드, K-뷰티 등 한국의 경쟁력 있는 콘텐츠를 글로벌 시장에 소개하며, 지속 가능한 성장과 사회적 가치를 실현하는 기업으로 자리 잡고 있다.

See Project
May 2018
1st Winner creative Design Championship

For most favorited design voted by NY City Style customers.

See Project
Sep 2015
월간 김현청

콘텐츠기획자 • 브랜드개발자 • 오지여행가 • 국제구호개발활동가 • 언론인으로 활동하고 있는 블루에이지 김현청 회장이 운영하는 개인 웹사이트로 블루에이지의 철학과 비전을 담아, 브랜드 개발, 미래 산업, 경영 전략 등 다양한 분야에 대한 통찰을 제공하는 공간이다. 회장은 30년 이상 브랜드 컨설팅과 글로벌 비즈니스를 이끌어 온 경험을 바탕으로, 혁신적인 사업 모델과 지속 가능한 기업 운영 방식을 탐구하며 이를 웹사이트를 통해 공유하고 있다.



2024고려대학교 대학원
영문학 박사

Proven ability to lead and manage a wide variety of design and development projects in team and independent situations.

2022태국 CP그룹
제안서및 연구용역

오픈마켓 및 ERP 도입


Assertively exploit wireless initiatives rather than synergistic core competencies.

2012-2014고려대학교 대학원

Proven ability to lead and manage a wide variety of design and development projects in team and independent situations.

2012-2014고려대학교 대학원
통번역 석사

Assertively exploit wireless initiatives rather than synergistic core competencies.


Credibly streamline mission-critical value with multifunctional functionalities. Leading team designers.


Assertively exploit wireless initiatives rather than synergistic core competencies.

1998-1999서강대학교 언론대학원

영어교재 12스탭 교재편찬 위원

필리핀 해외봉사

Proven ability to lead and manage a wide variety of design and development projects in team and independent situations.

영어영문학과 졸업

Proven ability to lead and manage a wide variety of design and development projects in team and independent situations.

I've been fortunate to work with and for people from some amazing organizations.


Partners worldwide, as well as designers, developers and marketers.


Project completed and delivery on worldwide with more 60 countries.


Employees & Staffs worldwide at present.

이예선(Yeseon Lee)
블루에이지 대표이사
the bom 발행인

“Hayley Raymond is exceptionally talented & well rounded designer. He brings to our companies his infectious enthusiasm creativity to everything he works on.”

Hyuncheong KIM

블루에이지 회장@Sanfasio

“Hayley Raymond is exceptionally talented & well rounded designer. He brings to our companies his infectious enthusiasm creativity to everything he works on.”

Daehyeon KIM

모아이시스템 CTO @Sanfasio

“Hayley Raymond is exceptionally talented & well rounded designer. He brings to our companies his infectious enthusiasm creativity to everything he works on.”

Lina Villarreal

Sortware Engineer at @Sanfasio


Contact info

블루에이지 | 머핀 | 


Let's grab a coffee and jump on conversation chat with me.